從渥太華城駕車前往 Orford Crescent 社區,首先要進入安省417號公路東行(ON-417 E),也叫皇后大道東(Queensway)。接著車頭左前方進入174號公路,這裡仍然是皇后大道東東一部分。途中經過一大片商業服務區,有告士打物理治療中心(Gloucester Centre Chiropractic)、蒙古風味村(Mongolian Village Restaurant)、漢堡王(Burger King)、加拿大豐業銀行(Scotiabank)等等。最後轉入聖約瑟大道(St. Joseph Blvd.)、舊10號公路、10號公路、查理曼大道(Charlemagne Blvd)、Bottriell Way、Merkley Dr、太陽神道(Apollo Way),最後到 Orford Crescent 彎道。

有空到 Apollo Park 游泳、野炊或者滑雪!

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  1. 对政府行为和结果说"不"。
  2. 谈论性话题,包括异性恋和同性恋。
  3. 流露维权思想、论及维权行动。
  4. [...]另一些记忆模糊,不知道怎样分类的例子。
信息监测系统检测到不允许的词 阴茎



避免动辄触及有关部门的敏感点最好的办法是完全放弃中国的BSP。我选择了 Blogger.com,只有自己才可以删除日志的博客服务商。一个加密邮箱,一个加密 feed 阅读客户端,我们每个人都可以对着树洞说话,甚至观天下、闻窗外。

Being GFWed, cannot answer any comments. Try this contact .



WLAN service in Shenzhen Hospitals

Queueing Hall, ground floor to 2nd floor Shenzhen Children's Hospital

Registration Hall, ground floor, Shenzhen TCM Hospital

Search CMCC hot spot by your WIFI hand held device, such as a IPhone or Android gadgets. Now we can tweet events in these hospitals.

I am impressed that some foreigners using chopsticks easily, for they have had Japanese or Chinese cuisine and practice a lot before visiting China. Derek Armstrong and Wendy Lynn Bullock, are the ones I've went out with for Chinese dinners in different occasions, do be good at holding chopsticks and they look like the extensions of their hands.

Yet I've recognized that few etiquettes are not introduced to expats after searching on the web. One is that hovering above the dish for your hesitation, which shows you are blocking the others to pick up any food, or you're really selfish. Another bad manner is searching in any dishes. It's so vulgar, and most people may feel disgusting for your saliva might already taint on the chopsticks.

Actually I have no idea that why we will impale meat balls. For most of us can pick up glass balls by chopsticks without difficulty. If you cannot make it, feel free to use a spoon instead of piercing a fish ball or beef ball.

And I want to know who will research on chopsticks usages and health.

Hospital clusters will come to us in Shenzhen

13 hospital clusters will be set up, each contains one hospital, a district hospital or TCM hospital, and many community clinics, all are public investments. This medical reform is based on Hong Kong Health Authority's idea, spokesman from Shenzhen Heath Bureau says to Shenzhen News.

There will be no common sickness triage in municipal after hospital clusters come to us. Visitors are going to consume for cold, cough, allergy etc in general practitioners in future but no legislation will declared to stop visitors consult general problems in municipal hospitals.

Probably patients will pay more by themselves if they go directly to big hospitals for general disease, even they are covered by social medical insurance.

I'm totally impressed by this news, hoping it will change the medical service culture in the following decades. Criticism keep blaming inefficiency in large hospitals for patients are easily jammed.

It's time for the change in Shenzhen health administration.

Shy Feelings from Students in an English Class

Today I notice many shy students after teaching a class of more than 100 attendance, which expats teachers have mentioned that a lot. These shy ones, read in a really low voice, wait for the selection for pair play, and some flee away before the end of the class for I assign the class to introduce themselves one by one.

Most of them are not English beginners for they pronounce pretty good, speak fluently and some of them know the medical terms terribly well. So I recognize how a shy student is.

Maybe Chinese culture that seldom encourage students to develop their views draw to this shy reactions. Rote do kill the talent of a person and this is quite obvious in English class, especially in a western style one.

A student in today's class told me that she hasn't speak English for decades. Oh, this is the time for your English muscles, why not open it?

Another one said she just want to follow my reading. I just had few minutes for each group and practicing with you partner really works.

Some are not confident with themselves for the worry for bad pronunciations. I realize that most of them haven't listen to a native English program, in radio broadcasting or TV. Most important of all, he or she might never speak in their class before, probably they had a shy teacher in their school lives.

I know, I know, I have to be better. Try to keep my smile, soft tones and encouraging gestures, then ease their stresses. Try to elicit their motivation for learning English, to learn by themselves. And I would try small tricks to interact them in pair practice or group games.
