Shenzhen physicians per 1000 people

Population datum keeps changing in Shenzhen. On 2011 April 10th it is 13 million, while it was 8.9 million in 2010, even statistic comes from the same Population Authority.

Meanwhile, official report for health system of last year show that there were 22012 registered physicians in Shenzhen, approximately 1.69 physicians in every 1000 Shenzhen residents. This is sure an achievement for the average in China was around 1 in per 1000 people in 2009 ( World Bank datum here ).

Obviously human resource invested on health services in Shenzhen are fewer. In 2009, there were 3.68 physicians per 1000 people in Shanghai. Even in Guangdong province, there were 1.62 physicians in each 1000 people.

Some believe that too much physicians burden is one of the reason for the severe conflicts between patients and doctors in China.

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